
from clients & program participants


What people say...

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

Dear Elyse,
Waking up in this body was so much more pleasant this morning than it was yesterday morning! Thank you for that perfectly wonderful hour of care and attention. I am very grateful for your knowledge, and your ability to share it with both strength and gentleness. You rock!

1:1 Fitness Coaching

COURSE BANNER - HCPF Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor - Online Group Program

So glad I took Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor postpartum! I am much more aware of the way I breathe when moving my body especially when I am working out. I have an increased awareness of my body movements as well and loved tapping into my pelvic floor and core so much during the course, which is something I had never really done before. I feel like I am doing various exercises with better alignment now. Such a great foundational course for understanding my pelvic floor, core, and how everything connects together.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor

HIPS CORE PF Banner Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor - In Person Group Program $170.00

Now that I've completed Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor, I am soooo much more aware of parts in my body, and how I can improve myself. I feel better about my body, [more] patient with my body. [I'm] not running to the bathroom, [and] way more aware of my pelvic area.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor

COURSE BANNER - HCPF Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor - Online Group Program

My hip/sit bone achiness has definitely decreased. Some days I don't notice it at all, which is great! Grateful to know you, Elyse! I feel more informed about my body and interested to stay in tune and learn more.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

Elyse, I am bloody loving the [21 Day Workout] program SO DAMN MUCH. I feel like it’s such a steep curve of joy too - I loved the first one but struggled with getting back on the exercise horse. But second time around, I feel like I’m rocking it and I’m having SO MUCH FUN! I’m so happy I found you!! This program has genuinely changed my life and I want EVERYONE to get the opportunity to have theirs changed too. I want to do it every month! For real! It’s a STEAL. Cheaper than gym membership and 400 times as effective.

21 Day Workout Program

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

Elyse is a miracle-worker and intuitive healer. When I sprained my foot severely, she helped me heal, both with [Thai yoga] massage and by teaching me exercises I could do even when she wasn’t there. After each session, I could feel the blood pumping back into my injury and could walk with dramatically lessened pain. Elyse is the best!

1:1 Fitness Coaching

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

So three years ago, before I started working with Elyse, I had just had a baby…I was in my early 40’s…and I really loved to work out, and I was trying to work out!

I really wanted to get back in body. I was not feeling in my body at all, especially because post-pregnancy I was having trouble getting back into my old self.

But also, although I love to exercise, I was constantly getting hurt. I was always injuring myself and I was really frustrated.

So I had an emotional component of frustration and a poor self body image, plus an inability to work out the way I think I could have or should have.

I started off being unable to even kind of walk, I had a lot of pain in my left hip. And todayI am able to do anything I want to and I’ve been able to take chances.

I used to be scared of a few things – doing backbends and handstands in yoga- and now I relish it. I can’t wait to do them.

And that again translates into my general life. I feel more able to take risks, I feel more able to try things that I might not have wanted to before.

The change feels VERY significant because I feel SO strong now. So ‘in my body’. And for the first time (and I’m 45 years old!), I love my body. It’s not perfect, but for the first time I really LOVE my body. And really notice the strength and the changes.

I feel balanced. I feel grounded in my life, because my core is also very strong. So these are the things I’ve gained from Elyse. It’s not just physical strength, “oh I have a great trainer”, it’s a very holistic development that I’ve been able to achieve.

1:1 Fitness Coaching

Restore Your Core Restore Your Core® Online Group Program $235.00

This is my second course with Elyse and as a person who has rarely had any kind of movement practice I am able to show up and stay motivated with her sweet sense of humor, know how, expertise and ease. The flexibility of being able to use the recorded sessions when I can’t make it is incredibly helpful for keeping me on course. She’s a delightful person with fantastic and organized offerings and I’ve seen a greatly improved version of myself each time.

Restore Your Core® Participant

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

You rock! I love your holistic approach to exercise. You have such a peaceful yet strong presence. I loved your commentary throughout. It was motivating yet not cheerleadery!

21 Day Workout Program

Elyse Sparkes

It was such a joy to work with Elyse for the [Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor] class. She is an exceptional movement expert who brought gentleness and fine-tuned exercises and expertise to every session. She was also available in between sessions for individualized care and support. Her kindness and practicality was exactly what I needed to get back to basics with how my body moves, and helped relieve some pain I've been experiencing. I feel stronger and more confident in moving my body and know more about how to take care of myself and address pain and discomfort in simple ways. After years of Physical Therapy, I'm glad to add Elyse's exercises to my repertoire.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor Participant

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

I had the pleasure of training with Elyse during the few months before my wedding. I came to her with a loose work out schedule. Every now and then I would hit the gym or run in the park but my exercise regime wasn’t regular and I didn’t feel great about my body. My first session with her was amazing. She tuned into my body and the right exercises that started toning my body immediately. A few months later I felt and looked great on my wedding day thanks to Elyse!

After the wedding I continued doing yoga classes with Elyse which were wonderful, relaxing and just what I always need at the end of a busy day. I also treated myself to a Thai massage. I will say that after having many Thai massages in Thailand on my honeymoon, I enjoyed my massage with Elyse more!

Now I live in Austin, TX and miss my workouts with Elyse so much. I haven’t found anyone like her to help me stay fit here. MOVE TO AUSTIN ELYSE!

1:1 Fitness Coaching, Group Classes

WFMM with ES Private Group Class with Elyse Sparkes $475.00

When I finish a yoga class with Elyse, I feel calmer and taller. And she makes each workout unique and fun!

Private Group Programs

ElyseSparkes-SamanthaLSiegel-21 Partner Stretch Workshop

Elyse’s Thai massage is phenomenal. I have really tight hamstrings and glutes from marathon running. After a session with Elyse, I have zero pain and am able to run faster and more efficiently. She is accommodating and extremely knowledgeable in terms of anatomy and how the body exhibits pain. Elyse’s massages are a must when I’m training.

1:1 Fitness Coaching

COURSE BANNER - HCPF Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor - Online Group Program

This program was a great place to start and will help me to progress my healing. [Before the program,] I was experiencing pain that I couldn't find relief for. It's been so helpful to have guidance to get curious about where this pain is coming from, how to alleviate it, and to strengthen myself for the future. Increased awareness has been the biggest gift! I'm so grateful to be able to have this course material as a resource. I am feeling significantly less pain (woohoo!) and no longer paralyzed by fear.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor Participant

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

Elyse has done the impossible: she’s made me love to work out. For the first time in my life, I’m actually eager to practice the yoga routines she’s taught me no matter how exhausting my day has been. Elyse listens to what you really wish to achieve from your workouts and always manages to teach me poses that perfectly suit my mood/goal. This lady is knowledgeable, talented, energetic, and one of the kindest souls I’ve ever been fortunate enough to know. My one complaint is that I’m always far too tempted to spend our entire lesson chatting away with her... but she manages to politely keep me focused on the task at hand. :)

1:1 Fitness Coaching

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

Elyse Sparkes’ [21 Day Workout] program is HIGH VALUE. Her workouts are easy to follow and physically challenging. The support of the online community is amazing and Elyse does a great job of creating a space where you can reach out for support as well as share your successes. Elyse’s journaling prompts are awesome and help you get really clear on your intentions help you start to visualize your results before you even start.

21 Day Workout Program

WFMM with ES Private Group Class with Elyse Sparkes $475.00

I had a fantastic experience working with Elyse. She is supportive, smart, and an excellent teacher. She helped me strengthen my back after an injury in ways that were tailored for me, and the results have been wonderful. She is clear and easy-going, and she responded promptly to all of my questions. It was SO worth the time and money and I recommend her absolutely!

Private Group Programs

WFMM with ES Private Group Class with Elyse Sparkes $475.00

Elyse comes to our workplace and teaches yoga once a week. Last week I was the only one who showed up. I told Elyse that I was having trouble with tension in my neck. She worked on my neck for about 15 minutes before the others showed up. My neck has been sooo much better ever since. The knot is gone and it’s been over a week already! I can’t thank her enough. She is a miracle worker!

Private Group Program

ElyseSparkes-SamanthaLSiegel-21 Partner Stretch Workshop

With Elyse you are in very capable hands. I first went to Elyse because I had never received a professional [Thai yoga] massage before, but found myself tight and sore after weeks of dancing the idea of a Thai massage sounded intriguing. When Elyse compared it to the Lazy Man’s Yoga, I knew I had made the right choice. She made me incredibly comfortable and made it easy for me to feel relaxed. At one point I found my foot by my head and all I could do was laugh! I left our session feeling freer, more relaxed, and at least three inches taller! She was able to pinpoint all the spots that were bothering me and target tight spots I hadn’t even known existed. If I could see her everyday I would. If you have an opportunity to work with Elyse, do it. You’ll leave with a smile on your face.

Thai Yoga Massage, Retreat Participant

COURSE BANNER - HCPF Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor - Online Group Program

Thank you, Elyse. It was all great— your presentation, your demonstrations, your instructions, your knowledge about this topic was phenomenal. Your positive energy was catching. As a result of Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor I have an awareness of the significance of the pelvic floor and feel stronger, encouraged, and healthier.

Hips, Core, and Pelvic Floor

ElyseSparkes-SamanthaLSiegel-21 Partner Stretch Workshop

I woke with a lot of pain in my neck and shoulder, and it was clear it was going to affect my dance weekend negatively. After seeing Elyse later that day, I was doing much better and it was obvious she had improved my condition, which allowed me to enjoy my dance weekend to the fullest.

Thai Yoga Massage

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

As I’m getting used to your workout I’ve found I really enjoy it, especially when it’s too cold to run comfortably. I also enjoyed our phone calls and having a chance to honestly assess where I’m at. I lost a few pounds and got a little more muscular; your workout is great for abs and chest.

21 Day Workout Program, Private Group Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

Thanks for being awesome and making it fun!

21 Day Workout Program, Private Group Programs

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I went from barely being able to hold a plank at all (when I really pushed myself I just made it for 40 seconds) to holding it for a whole minute and a quarter!...Being back in the zone has made starting exercise feel easy, and Elyse’s pep talks, tips and tricks have made me understand that it’s all about balance, gentle encouragement and self-cheerleading - carrot not stick!

21 Day Workout Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I had some hesitation because I hate to commit to exercising!! I didn’t want to commit to something and fail, but Elyse has some POWERFUL persuasive ability... the change is really in my attitude. I can see that it is possible to find time to exercise... I am proud of myself for following through and I even plan to continue 3x/week.

21 Day Workout Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I found your encouraging words through the exercise routine very encouraging! I have more energy, I am walking with a sprint in my step again and my abdominal core has got stronger.

21 Day Workout Program

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

Your positive energy and wonderful e-mails put a smile on my face and more of a spring in my step.

1:1 Fitness Coaching

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I feel like I’m now on the right track with strength training, which was my main goal, but I’ve gotten so much more from it.

This has been a fantastic experience. I’ve always felt like I could be good at sticking with a workout if I only had one that I liked and that challenged me in the right ways, and now I do! I’m so thrilled that it’s flexible in the right ways (I can tailor the length to the amount of time I have, I can change the exercises to fit my needs of the day), but also structured enough to ensure I get a good workout.

Thank you thank you thank you!

21 Day Workout Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I sit at a computer most all of every day, and the last few months I've really been feeling it in my lower back. I've known that exercises would help, but I hadn't done them. Doing the Fast Track sequences with you got me started. I loved the warm-up, did it several days in a row. Never did the cardio (but I sometimes run a block to catch a bus or alternate jogging and walking on my way to work) or the plyo or the 50/10, but I fell in love w/ the alignment assignment. Did a combo of that plus the warm-up for a few days, and - amazing! - got out of bed 2 days ago, and for the first time in MONTHS, my back did not hurt!

21 Day Workout Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

I want to thank you so much for this program! I enjoyed it so much and have learned a ton! It's refreshing to do a complete workout that really works, but also with a trainer who makes me feel that I'm giving it my all. I really got to focus on what I was capable of doing and how strong I am, rather than worrying that I wasn't giving enough. Finding time to focus on your health really is enough!

21 Day Workout Program

Product Course Card 21 Day no logo 21 Day Workout Program

You have given me so much inspiration you will never know. Your program is so easy to follow. Can't thank you enough!!! Thanks for the advice I am going to try these options now! Thanks again!!!

21 Day Workout Program

COURSE BANNER - Private Sessions 1:1 Fitness Coaching and Core + Pelvic Floor Movement Rehab with Elyse Sparkes $125.00

I've been working with Elyse as my virtual personal trainer for three years. She's the best! What impresses me most is her flexibility. Elyse always knows what to offer in a situation (based on whatever middle-aged tweak I'm experiencing or what I'm feeling that day). Our work makes me feel better in the moment; it's also setting me up to be stronger and healthier as I get older. Elyse pushes me, but we have fun in the process. I'm truly grateful to have her on my team.

1:1 Fitness Coaching